Set Order Recency 1 Ratings – v1.0 #

The workflow MakeWebBetter :Set Order Recency 1 Ratings – v1.0 sets the HubSpot contact property Order Recency Rating to 1 if contact’s custom HubSpot property last order date is more than 360 days ago. It means that the customer hasn’t made any order on your store from almost one year. And whenever any contact is found active in MakeWebBetter: Order Workflow v1.0, then it gets removed from the existing workflow and this leads to workflow’s goal achievement.


Set Order Recency 2 Ratings – v1.0 #

The workflow MakeWebBetter :Set Order Recency 2 Ratings – v1.0 sets the HubSpot contact property Order Recency Rating to 2 if contact’s custom HubSpot property last order date is between 180 to 360 days ago. It means that the customer hasn’t made any order on your store from atleast six months. And whenever any contact is found active in MakeWebBetter: Order Workflow v1.0, then it gets removed from the existing workflow and this leads to workflow’s goal achievement.



Set Order Recency 3 Ratings – v1.0 #

The workflow MakeWebBetter :Set Order Recency 3 Ratings – v1.0 sets the HubSpot contact property Order Recency Rating to 3 if contact’s custom HubSpot property last order date is between 90 to 180 days ago. It means that the customer hasn’t made any order on your store from atleast three months. Actually these are the customers that require some attention from your side. And whenever any contact is found active in MakeWebBetter: Order Workflow v1.0, then it gets removed from the existing workflow and this leads to workflow’s goal achievement.



Set Order Recency 4 Ratings – v1.0 #

The workflow MakeWebBetter :Set Order Recency 4 Ratings – v1.0 sets the HubSpot contact property Order Recency Rating to 4 if contact’s custom HubSpot property last order date is between 30 to 90 days ago. It means that the customer hasn’t made any order on your store from atleast one month. Actually these are the customers that can be really valuable for your store . And whenever any contact is found active in MakeWebBetter: Order Workflow v1.0, then it gets removed from the existing workflow and this leads to workflow’s goal achievement.

Set Order Recency 5 Ratings – v1.0 #

The workflow MakeWebBetter :Set Order Recency 5 Ratings – v1.0 sets the HubSpot contact property Order Recency Rating to 5 if contact’s custom HubSpot property last order date is 30 days ago. It means that the customer has made his/her last order on your store within one month. These are the customers that were recently active on your store .



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