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The HubSpot Recommended Products is an add-on for our popular HubSpot for WooCommerce integration. This add-on allows you to add and offer recommended products via email after the purchase is done. This helps you increase your revenue and average order value at your store. It also offers a reporting feature that lets you check what recommendations are sold the most number of times.


  • Automatic Installation

Automatic installation is the easiest option handled by WordPress. To install this add-on automatically:

  1. Login to your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. On the left panel of your dashboard, navigate to Plugins > Add New.
  3. Click on the Upload Plugin button on the top.
  4. Hit the Choose File button and choose the .zip file, and click on Install Now.
  5. Once installed, Activate the plugin.
  • Manual Installation

Manual installation of the plugin is another option to install the plugin in your WordPress-environment. The manual installation of HubSpot Recommended products add-on method involves downloading our Get A Quote for WordPress plugin and uploading it to the web server via their favourite FTP application.

The steps for manual installation are as follows:

  1. Upload the HubSpot Recommended Products add-on folder to the /WP-content/plugins/directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.

Make sure to install the WooCommerce and our HubSpot WooCommerce integration plugin before you install this add-on.


Once you install the add-on successfully, you will see a Recommended Products tab on our HubSpot WooCommerce Integration plugin.

HubSpot WooCommerce Integration plugin

Clicking on the tab will lead you to a page with these fields:

HubSpot ‹ WP1 (4) recommended plugin

6.Report Section

This section will display the report of the sales of the recommended products.

Report Section


One property named Recommended Products is created under Contact Properties over HubSpot.

You can add as many products as a recommended product.

You can simply navigate to any product setting in your WordPress dashboard. There you’ll see a field named Recommended Products. Add the products you want to offer as recommendations and save them and you’ll be good to go

you can. This add-on comes with a reporting feature that shows you what product was purchased the most number of times.

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