
NYC Clinic is a free HubSpot theme crafted for medicare services, medical practitioners, clinic owners, hospitals, etc. The highlighted features of the NYC Clinic HubSpot theme include:
  • 20+ customizable drag and drop module
  • Quick customization with easy theme settings
  • Fully responsive pages
  • Speed optimized pages
The theme is fairly easy to use. But, if you need any assistance with the installation or setup, connect with us for a free 30 minutes session.

2.What's Included?

NYC Clinic theme offers,

  1. 31 Modules
  2. 6 Sections
  3. 6 Templates
  4. 2 Blog Templates
  5. 7 System Pages

Note: If you want to add any feature/module/template to your theme, Contact Us, share your requirements and we’ll get it done for you at affordable prices.

Let us begin with the theme documentation.

3.Edit Theme Settings

Through the edit theme setting, you can make global changes to your HubSpot theme. For navigating to the theme settings, 

  • create a page using the theme > on the edit page panel > click on Theme > Edit Theme Settings.

    You’ll find the following settings here:

3.1.Global Color And Font Setting

Global Colors setting lets you configure primary & secondary color, body background, and heading colors. Similarly, the Global Fonts setting lets you change the Heading font and Body font of the theme.


This setting lets you tweak the headings from H1 to H6 along with the body and links.

The H1 to body submenu of the typography has options to select desktop font, adjust line height in pixels, alter letter spacing, and text transformation. For mobile devices, you can change the font size, line height, and letter spacing of the theme. You can change the normal and hover color of the links too.



You’ll find the following settings here:

  • Button: Includes option to edit button text, spacing, corner radius, and enabling animation.
  • Dark: Includes the option to change normal hover and active button font, text color, background color, and border style for the filled and outlined button.
  • Light: Change the light-filled button text background border color for normal, active, and hover cases. 


The following form sections have these mentioned settings for forms:

  • Titles: Edit text (font, line height, letter spacing, text transformation), background color, spacing, and corner radius. The border radius only alters the top left and top right of the title.
  • Labels: You can edit the text and spacing of the form labels.
  • Help text: Change the font of the help text on forms.
  • Fields: Change the font of the GDPR Text and Rich Text, alter border radius, change border color on focus, border style, spacing, background color, text, and placeholder color of the input fields.
  • Form: Alter form background color, mobile and desktop spacing, border style, and corner radius of the form.
  • Error Messages: Change font, alter spacing, and border color of the error messages.


The tables option has a further 4 sub-options.

  • Table Header: Change table header text color and background color.
  • Table Body: Change table body text color and background color.
  • Table Footer: Change table footer text color and background color. 
  • Table Cells: Change spacing, padding, and border of table cells.

3.6.Website Header

The website header has 5 sub-settings.

  • Header Top: Enable or disable header top.
  • Header Bottom: Enable or disable header bottom.
  • Box Shadow: Enable or disable box shadow and change box shadow color.
  • Background: Change website header background color.
  • Menu: Change menu text, hover and active font, change drop down text and background color hover text background and active text color.


 You can adjust the horizontal and vertical spacing on desktop and mobile from the spacing option.

3.9.System Page Setting


You can use the system page settings to make changes to system pages. There are 4 settings here,

  • Error Page Setting (404): Enable/disable the error image, and change the error banner image from here.
  • Error Page Setting (500): Enable/disable the error image, and change the error banner image from here.
  • Backup Unsubscribe: Enable/disable the banner image, and change the backup unsubscribe banner image from here.
  • Password Prompt: Enable/disable the password prompt image, and change the password prompt banner from here.

3.10.Blog Settings

You can configure the blog post settings here. There are 2 settings in this section:

  • Sidebar: Enable or disable the sidebar on the blog from here.
  • Blog Post: You can show/hide the author name, image, timestamp, tags, and related posts from here.

4.Theme Modules

Check out the complete list of 25 modules you get with this NYC Clinic theme:


The accordion module is used to add popular or most asked questions in the form of FAQs to your landing pages


It has several settings.

  • Add multiple accordions, and choose icon position.
  • Edit each accordion title, description, and replace or remove the accordion open and close icon.

From it’s style tab, you can change the 

  • accordion background color, spacing, border radius, and box-shadow
  • title font and spacing, content font and spacing     
  • Overwrite icon color settings

4.3.Blog Related Post

You can add related posts to your blog page for readers to dig into other pieces.

Blog related post

You can edit the section title and the button text.

Blog related post

4.4.Blog Listing

You can check the blog listing module on the blog listing page. For accessing blog listing page:

Go the marketing > website > blog. From the left panel select blog listing pages and select the NYC blog listing page > Click edit and you will find the blog listing template.

Blog Listings

The following is a screenshot of what the blog listing page will look like:

Blog Listings

Further on the blog listing module, you have the following settings:

Blog Listings
  • Category Mini Title: Add a category mini title on the blog listing page.  
  • Blog Meta Information: Enable or disable blog meta information like feature image, tags, title, author, description, and button. You can also edit the button text. 
  • Enable box-shadow: Enable or disable box shadow for blog listings. 
  • Box shadow: Enable Inset, adjust the vertical and horizontal value, blur, spread, and change shadow color. 
  • Sidebar widgets: Edit search title and button text, popular post title, category title, and search title.   
  • Pagination: Edit left and right pagination text.  

From the style tab, you can edit cards and widgets.  For cards, you can

  • Edit card background color and border-color
  • Overwrite card hover color styles, i.e. change the text color of author & date, title, description, and button text.  
  • Adjust the corner radius of the card and feature image, overwrite styles of tags, title, author & date, description, and button.      
Blog LIstings

For widget styles you can overwrite styles of title, category, and popular post widgets.

Blog Listnings

4.5.Custom Button

You can add a custom button to your landing pages using the button module. The button settings include:

  • Choose the button type from filled dark, outlined dark, and filled light, edit button text, and replace or remove the icon.
Custom Button

There are three button types in the custom button module:

       1. Filled Dark

Custom button

       2. Outlined Dark

custom button

       3. Filled Light

Custom button

From the style tab, you can change the desktop and mobile alignment for the button, and overwrite the button style by changing font, line height, background color, border color and style, and spacing for normal, hover, and active state of buttons.

Custom Button


The counter module allows you to add numbers on the landing page. It could be for showing your achievements.


You can add multiple counters and enable the box shadow for these counters.


You can edit the counter text, unit, and value.


From the style tab, you can change the container’s maximum width and card alignment and spacing. You can overwrite styles too.



4.8.Custom Form

Add a custom form according to your website’s requirements.  

          1. Multiple field form

Custom form


            2. Single inline form   

Custom Form

          3. Single Field Form With Button at Bottom

Custom Form

You have the form layout choice between multiple field form, single field inline form, or single field form with a button at the bottom, edit the form content like add or remove fields,  thank you text, enable form automation, enable form box shadow, enable input field box-shadow, and edit input field box shadow.

Custom form

From its style tab, you can edit the

  • color, border, and alignment of  form title   
  • Enable and change the form background color
  • Adjust form spacing, enable form max-width
  • Overwrite desktop and mobile form spacing
  • Overwrite background color and enable or disable the global border on the input field.
  • Overwrite form corner radius, and button 
  • Change the text color, background color, and border color of normal and hover button.
Custom Form

4.9.Donation Form

If you are keen on collecting donations from your website for the greater good you can easily add a donation form using this module. There are many nonprofit organizations that govern hospitals and health centers. They can use a donation form successfully.

Donation form

From the donation form you can:

Donation Form
  • Select a donation form from an existing form or create a new one, edit the form title
  • Edit form content like add/delete form field, edit button text, select GDPR options, and enable Captcha for spam prevention.      
  • Edit thank you message for this form. Please note that the thank you settings will apply to this page only.  
  • Enable form automation and add the form to a workflow.
  • Enable box-shadow and add box shadows. 

From the style tab of the donation module, you can overwrite the form, form title, and input field settings. You can

  • Change background color and adjust max width form.  
  • Change border bottom color of form title.
  • Change background color and border color of form input field. 
Donation Form

4.10.Event Listing

There must be regular or occasional events at your hospitals or clinics, like checkups, vaccinations, or seminars. For displaying any such information on your website, you can use the vent listing module.

Event listings

You can add multiple cards to your listings. 

Event listings

These cards can be further edited. You can change the card title, replace or remove the card image, add an event link and add multiple icon boxes.

Event listings

You can edit the icon boxes used in the cards by removing or replacing the icons, and change icon title.

Event listings


Allow users to filter events and content like news listing by categories with the use of a filter module. You add multiple categories, tabs, and portfolios. By default, all cases are listed. But, the initial filter setting will allow users to set the initial filter only for a single category at a time.


You can add multiple tabs and cards to the filter module.


For further editing of each tab and card, you click the pencil icon that appears when you hover over a particular card or tab. You can also delete or clone tabs and cards. You can also

  • Change tab name and tab ID
  • Set the tab as an initial filter. If you set it as an initial filter, the users will originally see this tab as they enter your webpage.

For cards, you can 

  • Change the tab ID
  • Remove/replace the image, add alt text and adjust the size. 
  • Set height and width along with image loading  
  • Edit title of the card and add link.
  • Add description and edit icon box.

4.13.Header Controller

Header controller settings includes choosing the display mode, enable search, change placeholder text enable button on header, select button style, edit button text, and add a link to the button.

Header Cotroller
Header Controller

From the style tab, you can chang the search background color, open icon color, and close icon color.

Header Controller

4.14.Header Toggler

The header toggler allows you to add a toggler to the header so that user can see more options.

Open Hamburger

Header Toggler

Close Icon

Header Toggler

You can edit the style of the header toggler by removing or replacing the open and close icon color, and the spacing and padding of the toggler. You can also add alt text and change image loading.

Header Toggler

4.15.Icon Box

Icon box allows you to add multiple icons and their descriptions on landing pages.

Icon Box
Icon Box


You can change the icon box layout between card or compact.  

             1. Card Layout 

Icon Box

             2. Compact Layout

Icon Box

You can select columns, enable box shadow, insert shades, change card icons settings, and compact settings. From its style tab, you can change the icon box background color, and overwrite color settings by changing the title and description content color. You can also adjust spacing and overwrite icon color too. 

Icon Box

4.16.Custom Image

The image module helps you add images anywhere on the landing pages.

Custom image

You can replace or remove the image, add alt text, adjust the size, width and height of the image, and image loading.

Custom image

From the style tab, you can change desktop and mobile alignment and adjust the corner radius of the image. 

Custom image


You can add a logo on your website pages by just dragging and dropping it anywhere you like.


You can enable a custom logo, replace or remove the custom logo, add alt text, and adjust the size and maximum size.



The map module will add a virtual map to your website. You can replace or remove the location pointer, insert Map API, pointer details, Map JSON, map zoom level, edit center latitude and longitude.


From its style tab, you can edit map corner and height, overwrite the style by changing title background and text color, card background and text color.


4.19.Custom Menu

You can add a custom menu on your header or footer to add links to important pages.

Custom menu

You get to choose the menu from the available options.

Custom menu

You can overwrite style settings by changing text and drop down text color, background color, and style, color & width of the border.

Custom menu

4.20.Social Follow

You can add your social media link to your website pages using the social follow module.

Social follow

You can add multiple social links and edit them.

Social follow

You can edit social icons, i.e. replace/remove social icons, and add the social link.

Social follow

From its style tab, you can overwrite icon color, enable background color and change it, adjust corner radius, and social icon alignment for desktop and mobile.    

Social follow


The spacer module adds white space to the website and landing pages. With the spacer module, you can add vertical spaces between sections and modules as and when required. 


The Spacer module does not have any editable option, but you can edit the spacer styles. You can change the spacer height for mobile, desktop, and tablet, and change the spacer background color.



You can use the team module to show the hardworking doctor’s team on your website pages. It helps customers to know your team virtually. You can 

  • Select team module layout between grid and slider
  • Add multiple team members on the layout
  • Enable member’s profile link 

          1. Grid Team Layout


            2. Slider Team Layout 


With the slider layout, you can select the number of items that should be displayed on the website slider for different devices, like desktops, tablets, and mobile. You can also remove or replace the slider next and previous arrow image and add alt text to each.


From its style tab, you can choose slider text alignment for mobile and desktop, adjust image corner radius, overwrite content color settings, by changing the title and designation text color.



You must have had patients and customers that visit your hospital or clinic regularly, and they all must say good things about you. Testimonials are a great way to win customer trust. Hence, you can add those trustworthy words to your landing pages with the testimonial module.


You can add multiple testimonials on your website, replace or remove the slider open and close icon with alt text, and set the number of slider items for mobile, desktop, and tablet.     


For each customer review, you can replace or remove the customer image, add alt text, edit the client review description, edit the client name, and add a review rating.


You can also edit the star filled icon by replacing or removing the icon, change alt text, and image loading.  


4.24.Title Content

The title content module helps you to add title text on any page. You can add a title above any module if you want to add a heading to it. 

Title Content

You can use the title to display content on your website. You can also 

  • Enable a mini title and edit its text
  • Edit the content you want to show
Title content

You can also 

  • Enable primary and secondary buttons after the description in the title module.

Select button type, edit text and add a link to both primary and secondary buttons.

Title content

You can also enable or disable icons on these buttons and select the icon you want to display.

Title content

From the style tab of the title content module, you can edit the style of the container and content. You can change the container background color, adjust the container corner and spacing, and enable maximum width. 

Title content

From content option you can edit 

    • Content alignment for desktop and mobile 
  • Overwrite mini title styles, by changing desktop font & color and mobile font size and line height.
  • Overwrite title style, by changing desktop font & color and mobile font size and line height.
  • Overwrite description style, by changing desktop font & color and mobile font size and line height. 
Title Content

4.25.Video Popup

The video pop-up module allows you to add any video on your landing page.

Video Popup

You can replace or remove the video poster, its alt text, adjust poster size maximum image size, and image loading. You can also select icon over image or content over image, remove or replace the play icon, and add the video link.  

Video Popup

If you select content over video you can set a title and icon text.

Video Popup

From the style tab, you can change video desktop & mobile alignment, enable overlay and change its color,  change color, overwrite icon color settings by changing icon and icon background color, and adjust content border radius. 

Video Popup

5.Theme Sections

This free HubSpot theme offers 6 different sections you can use on any page of your website.

5.1.Two Column Content and Image

5.2.Two Column Video and Content

5.3.Two Column Content and Counter

5.4.Two Column Content and Form

5.5.Donation Form

5.6.Call To Action

6.Theme Templates

This NYC Clinic theme comes with the following 8 templates,

  1. Homepage
  2. Who We Are
  3. Our Doctors
  4. Checkups
  5. Blog Listing
  6. Blog Detail
  7. Contact Us
  8. Landing Page

7.System Pages

NYC Clinic theme offers you 7 different system pages that are as follows,

  1. 404 Error
  2. 500 Error
  3. Password Prompt
  4. Search Results
  5. Backup Unsubscribe
  6. Subscription Preferences
  7. Subscription Confirmation
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