1.Overview #

The HubSpot custom group RFM Information provides the true pover of RFM segmentation through its properties Order Recency Rating, Order Frequency Rating and Monetary Rating. Through this group and its properties, you can easily segment your customers which will help you to target your best as well lost customers, The group contains twelve custom HubSpot properties and they are as:

2.Properties #


Total Value of Orders- (number field) Shows total value of orders of the customer


Average Order Value- (number field with currency symbol) average order value of the customer


Total Number of Orders- (number field) total number of orders of the customer


First Order Value- (number field with currency symbol) first order value of the customer


First Order Date- (date-picker) first order date of the customer


Last Order Value- (number field with currency symbol) last order value of the customer on store


Last Order Date- (date-picker) last order date of the customer on your store


Average Days Between Orders- (number field) Average days between orders of the customer


Account Creation Date- (date-picker) Date when the customer registered on the store


Monetary Rating- (drop-down select) Rating to customer in between 1-5 in terms of money spend on the store


Order Frequency Rating- (drop-down select) Rating to customer in between 1-5 in terms of number of orders placed


Order Recency Rating- (drop-down select) Rating to customer in between 1-5 in terms of how recently the order are placed.

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